Monday, December 2, 2019

Report on Local Acts New Information System

Explanation of SDLC Steps Required for Developing the System Preliminary analysis The scope of organization is to ensure successful coordination between the managers at all levels and minimize the cases of the delays of the event preparation and completion. The problem lies in overloaded e-mails and indirect transfer of information between the managers, which decreases the reliability and efficiency of the system.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Report on Local Acts New Information System specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Using online self-service venue booking system can allow all the managers to view the booking arrangements, as well as all information attached. The book manager, along with the venue managers and facility managers should made corrections to the events and introduce all possible updates, which can be viewed by others. In order to introduce this system, it is necessary to prescribe new instructio ns for all the employees. Specifically, each employee participating in the event should have an access to the database to track the updates and carry out the assigned duties. Similar approaches will be presented to introduce online sales for advertising packages. The only difference is that they will be available for the top managers and the clients who will receive a specific identification code to view the variants and choose the most appropriate one. Design The database will have different request forms where all the duties and systematic instructions will be posted for each employee to be aware of their responsibilities. The system design will include a set of information system on one website. The access to each department (booking, payment, venue preparation, ordering, and facilities arrangement) will be available to each employee in accordance to the responsibilities he/she performs. For instance, the Booking Manager will have an access to all the items, the Venue Manager can access venue preparation, ordering, and facilities arrangement. All these issues will be regularly updated so that each manager should keep track of those changes. The Facility Manager will have facilities arrangement and venue preparation at his/her disposal.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As soon as the project is put into effect, the manager can view all the details of the preparation. Finally, each employee can view the request forms with regard to the project. Their names and surnames, along with other important information, will be attached to specific project data. Implementation An important part of program implementation is test data generation. This procession implies creating a set of information for testing the efficiency and adequacy of software applications. To carry out the test, it purposeful to fill out the order request in accordance with the above-prese nted categories to check whether all updates and processes can be viewed and analyzed by other departments. The second step will be introducing a path model composed of three steps – software control flaw chart construction, path choice, and test data generation. Competitive Advantage Introducing a new information system will significantly improve the internal information flow and the will regulate the coordinate both at virtual and horizontal levels. In this respect, employees can report to top managers online and inform them about the shifts and processes they accomplish. The manager can access the results and introduce the corresponding changes. In such a manner, it is possible to foster time management approaches and significantly facilitate the overall process of order arrangements. Because automated steps deprive the managers of certain steps of operation, they can be more concentrated on the project accomplishment. Moreover, online availability of the project can attra ct more clients and increase the number of orders. As a result, the director of the agency will receive maximum benefits will reduce the amount of employees needed for the venture. This is also a great possibility to expand the number of the venues and introduce more services.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Report on Local Acts New Information System specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Possible Effects of Project Failure In order to identify the possible pitfall of the information system work, it is necessary to split all the steps of implementation into smaller components. It will help define the degree of failure and damage that might occur if the software fails. For instance, the first level will include the actual information data posed online. In case the system is arranged according to the principle of cloud of computing, the threats of invasion will be minimized. However, if there is a possibility of break ing the system. All information preserved on the online self-service system will be lost. However, similar outcomes can occur to the old system of e-mail exchange. In this respect, the system should have additional hardware preserving all information. This electronic storage should be updated at least once a week to be able to preserve as much information as possible. If the failure occurs to the second level of the information processing, namely the input and output of information between employees and their top managers, there will be a high probability of the event preparation failure. As a result, the calculation can lead to the loss of money and reduction of revenues. Besides, it can negatively contribute to the organization culture, as well as the policy of employee retention. Second, insufficient training of employees can lead to the misinformation and late delivery of the final projects, which can also minimize the chances for success. This report on Report on Local Acts New Information System was written and submitted by user Irene Logan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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